Guide to YouTube Content ID

Everything you need to know about YouTube Content ID and how it can help you avoid copyright claims. YouTube Content ID is a digital identification system that allows copyright owners[...]

Everything you need to know about YouTube Content ID and how it can help you avoid copyright claims.

YouTube Content ID is a digital identification system that allows copyright owners to register their tracks on YouTube to track and claim rights over videos using sounds owned by the copyright holder. Once a track is registered for Content ID, YouTube scans its entire content library to identify videos that may be using the same sounds.

If the digital identification system detects matches, views on the identified videos will be counted toward the royalties of the artist who owns the sounds used.

To qualify for YouTube Content ID, the track owner must have full recording and publishing rights. Additionally, the artist’s repertoire must meet YouTube’s established criteria for claiming Content ID on their tracks.

Some of the criteria include:

  • Confirm that the music does not contain any public domain content, samples, beats, or loops made with sample libraries like GarageBand or purchased from stores like BeatStars, etc.
  • Confirm that the music does not have a third-party YouTube monetization agreement.
  • Grant SoundOn the exclusive right to collect ad revenue on your behalf.

It is important to note that music submitted to YouTube Content ID must be entirely unique. Typically, YouTube grants Content ID to artists and tracks with a significant and notable repertoire on the platform that can prove full ownership of the registered tracks.

Eligible artists who hold copyright and believe their content meets the criteria can opt for YouTube Content ID when submitting their tracks through SoundOn.

During the upload process, tracks where the artist owns 100% of the publishing rights will have the option to apply for YouTube Content ID.
Select the option “Monetize with YouTube Content ID” in the “Additional Monetization Options” section.

It is important to note that all accepted tracks will go through an additional moderation process to confirm they meet the stated criteria. Tracks that do not meet the criteria will not be accepted.

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  3. Siga as instruções para reivindicar seu perfil de artista. Entre em contato com a equipe de suporte do TikTok se encontrar algum problema.

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